Tag archives: quality DNA testing

I thought customer service was dead...Paw Print Genetics proved me wrong. By Justin Riegsecker, JARS Labradoodles

I thought customer service was dead...Paw Print Genetics proved me wrong.  By Justin Riegsecker, JARS Labradoodles

The following is a letter written by a Paw Print Genetics' customer, Justin Riegsecker, posted here with his permission.  Click to find out more about JARS Labradoodles.

I started JARS Labradoodles three years ago when I purchased my first Australian Labradoodle stud.  I am very fortunate in that my father has been a breeder for over 43 years - fortunate because he allowed me to get started by essentially giving me three amazing Moyen Poodle females.  More importantly, I am fortunate because he has taught me many things about raising puppies and how to deal with the unexpected.  I'm sure you know the proverb about the difference between giving a man a fish or teaching a man to fish.  I really feel like I was given the fish AND taught how to fish.  Our business has grown over these three years and I've merged JARS Labradoodles with my father's Goldendoodle breeding program. 

My father is old school - doesn't know much about the internet and the power to reach millions of potential clients across the United States.  I have a Bachelor's degree in business and marketing and had spent several years in sales prior to ...