- Web:
- http://www.wall2wallbordercollies.com
- Phone:
- 204-529-2663
- E-Mail:
- wall2wallsheep@yahoo.ca
- Location:
- Cartwright, MB, Canada
Lorna Wall
Currently Breeding
- Border Collie
- Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Wall 2 Wall Mini-BorDoodles & Collin Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
Now offering Mini-BorDoodle pups from 2nd generation DNA tested parents. Wall 2 Wall Border Collies, as a family breeder located in Cartwright, MB, we had specialized in border collies able to adjust to any style of home or work, including but not limited to Working Stock Dogs, Agility, S&R, service & companions. Multi-talented & dedicated but above all calm & relaxed on downtime. If you need to "round things up," "to 'run the course," or to "just hang out," we can do the job~!
Paw Print Pedigrees is an open website set up by Paw Print Genetics so that breeders and owners of dogs that have been tested in the Paw Print Genetics laboratory may voluntarily opt to share their canine genetic testing results. Paw Print Genetics and Paw Print Pedigrees do not make any claims to the accuracy of the information displayed for breeders or dogs, with the exception that all testing performed by Paw Print Genetics is accurate and reflects the results of the dog displayed. Those wishing not to publicly display their results should not share their results. This site is voluntary and any participant may decide to remove certain genetic test results or other information at any time. The test results and other information chosen to be displayed or removed are selected by the participant. Therefore, test results displayed may not reflect all testing performed in this dog.