Archives for Dec. 23, 2020

Is a Puppy the Right Holiday Gift?

Is a Puppy the Right Holiday Gift?

Happy Holidays!

As we enter this season of giving, it is best to keep in mind the level of commitment you and others have for specific gifts, such as a new puppy. While getting a puppy on Christmas may be fun and can bring people joy, once the holiday magic is gone, the responsibility may be too much for some people. Here are a few things to keep in mind while deciding if a puppy is the right gift choice for this holiday season.

Cost of Caring for a Dog

While gifting a dog to someone eliminates the initial cost, there are still many other costs that the new owner must think about. Food, vet appointments, toys, and other essential items start to add up. If you are gifting this pup to your family or kids, please note that the cost of a dog is around the cost of another child for 10-15 years. If you are unsure of the financial situation of the person you are gifting to, it is probably a good idea not to gift them something that requires a financial commitment.


Another question to ask yourself is, “Does the person I’m gifting this puppy to ...