Archives for May 18, 2015

Preventing Hereditary Cataracts in the French Bulldog

Preventing Hereditary Cataracts in the French Bulldog

Though there are mysteries in regards to the early origins of the French bulldog, it is probable that this spunky breed is a 19th century product of breeding early English bulldogs and miniature bulldogs with other small breeds. As these smaller, English bred bulldogs became popular, many were either exported to France from England or accompanied their English owners to France in search of employment. At some point in the mid to late 1800’s, the small bulldogs were given the name “Bouledogue Français” and were recognized as their own unique breed. Early French bulldogs with either “rose ears” (ears folded at the tip) or pricked “bat ears” were common. However, with the spread of the breed to the United States, American dog fanciers created the first French bulldog breed standard describing the “bat ear” trait seen in modern Frenchies as the “correct” ear type.  In the process of establishing their modern appearance and perfecting the breed, like other purebred dogs, French bulldogs have developed some inherited diseases that concern Frenchie aficionados today. One such disease is a disorder known as hereditary cataracts (HC).

A cataract, in general, is the clouding of the lens of the eye. This cloudiness interferes ...